Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i lost my position on first page on this SULUMITS RETSAMBEW keyword, what should i do. now im down and get in third page on google.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sulumits sluman slumun sambel

im newbie in Sulumits Retsambew contest , please give me some advices.
baru bikin ni blog 11 hari yang lalu, sekarang pingin posting lagi tentang sulumit sretsambew , ayo robot indek yoo..cepet to bot...panganan okeh kii rene bot, pocong tuyul hantu juga kesini ya.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

sulumits retsambew is going down

sulumits retsambew is going up and down. let see for who is the winner for the fight, totally for seo fighting contest, and to know who is the most powerfull energy in seo contest in sulumits championship, never give up and never backdown for tears behind us. it is new energy for blogging. spirits for fighting in right.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Aturan Kontes sulumits retsambew

SEO kontest sulumits retsambew punya aturan . Bos Net Builders SEO Contest : 

Tujuan: Berada di urutan SERPs Google Index  .  
Tanggal dimulai : 15 Maret, 2009

Tanggal Berakhir: 15 Agustus, 2009 - Larut malam GMT

Berebutan ini:
Tongkrongan pertama: $1,000
kongkow kedua: $500
Jingkrak ketiga: $250
Isi kontesnya: bahasa inggris sulit nerjemahinnya baca aja aslinya yaa

To enter the contest, you must post the domain you are entering into the contest in a message here at NetBuilders.

Determination of Winners

I will determine the official winners by using a manual search to As Google returns different results from different data centers and to different searchers, the results you see may not be the results that I see.

Targeted Keywords: The targeted keywords for our contest are "sulumits retsambew" (without the quotes)

Chris Ridings for inventing the concept of an SEO contest.
John Scott for popularizing the idea and running probably the best SEO contest ever.
Mike Dammann for kicking me until I finally ran this contest.

Kontest SEO sulumits retsambew

sulumits retsambew adalah Kontest SEO yang diadain oleh Dunia Perseoan yang berjudul sulumits retsambew , pertama denger kayak network stumbler, beda ya, tapi nyoba aja ah sapa tau jd penjaga gawang...